Successful Celebration of the 18th Annual GFDD Golf Tournament at the Miami Beach Golf Club

March 14, 2023

The president of Funglode and GFDD, Dr. Leonel Fernández, headed the opening and award ceremonies held during the 18th annual GFDD Golf Tournament which, this time, highlighted the participation of Albert Pujols, Dominican Major League Baseball star.

FLORIDA, United States.- The 18th Annual GFDD Golf Tournament was held with great success this Monday, March 13, 2023, at the Miami Beach Golf Club, with the presence of Dr. Leonel Fernández, president of the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (Funglode) and its U.S.-based sister organization, the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD).

Fernández, former president of the Dominican Republic, headed the opening ceremony as well as the award ceremony, where the winners of the 18th golf tournament were announced.

The tournament is part of the active agenda the former President is carrying out in Florida, which included a keynote speech and a discussion forum at Florida International University (FIU).

Tournament organizer Ricardo Jacobo was highly congratulated – along with his team – by former President Fernández for the successful event. GFDD Florida Director, José Zaiter, also highlighted the work carried out by the organizing team.

Dominican baseball star Albert Pujols also participated in the tournament, along with other well-known personalities, business sector representatives, and golfers. The fund-raising event was held to benefit Funglode and its various offices in the United States.

Former United States Ambassador to the Dominican Republic and businesswoman, Robin Bernstein, also attended the tournament.

The event’s Master of Ceremonies, Lourdes Stephen, a Dominican journalist and television personality in Miami, as well as producer of her YouTube channel, proceeded to introduce Ricardo Jacobo who formally initiated the award ceremony where the tournament winners were announced.

At the event, former President Fernández celebrated the support received by all those in attendance and the success of the competition.

Category A

Third Place Net Score
José Luis Hernández
Rafael Reinoso

Second Place Net Score
Sergio Santana
Alson Keeler

First Place Net Score
Oscar Vega
Alex Ojea

Category B

Third Place Net Score
Oswaldo Rodríguez
Ian Toro

Second Place Net Score
Hernando García
Wolfgang Lehman

First Place Net Score
Greg Denaro
Gregory Denaro

Overall Net Winners
Deryl Leon
Leonel Espinal

Grand Champs – Gross Overall
Joseph Gillin
Justin Sharp

Special Awards

Longest Drive
José Luis Hernández

Approach to Flags

Hole #3
José Moccia

Hole #6
Justin Sharp

Hole #9
Sami Bazzi

Hole #14
Alson Keeler

Hole #17
Jonathan Rodríguez

Sponsorship Info

Angelita Montes | 202-296-1840